The more I think I know,
The more I realize how little I know,
Then truly I am free to start to learn.
I have to first learn to reduce my ego, my pride and arrogance.
Do you remember what it was to be “Child Like”?
To wonder at it all.
To ask questions, to want to know, to learn.
To truly understand.
That at times is what we have to return to.
Become “Child Like”.
And in “Child Like Innocence” – Becoming fully aware.
Free to move onto a higher level of learning.
Being this free will allow you to use your imagination,
What you so often create in your imagination,
Happens in your life.
It’s a never ending journey of growth and renewal.
Stay green and in “Child Like” awe, keep growing
To a higher level of learning.

© Robert J. McLardie. Published already as part of The Ole' Man 'n The Horses book

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